Jun 5, 2013

Driver Spotlight: Miranda Gallagher

Miranda Gallagher

GirlsRace2: What type of racing do you currently do?

Miranda: Currently I'm a kart racer in Jr2 super can class.

GirlsRace2: How long have you been racing?

Miranda: I started racing when I was 11 years old, this is my 5th year.  

GirlsRace2: How did you get your start in racing?

Miranda: My family was driving through Franklin, IN and noticed something was going on downtown. My step dad pulled over so we could stop to watch and I knew I had to get a kart and start racing! It wasn't difficult to talk my dad and stepdad into it. Within just a few short weeks they had bought a kart and we started practicing right away.

GirlsRace2: What is your proudest moment in your racing career so far?

Miranda: My proudest moment so far was being named Jr driver of the year my first season with SIRA. When they called my name I was speechless (I'm never at a loss for words.)

GirlsRace2: What is your goal for this season?

Miranda: My goal for this season is to race hard and drive fast and have fun!

GirlsRace2: What is your goal for your career in racing?

Miranda: My career goal in racing would be to run open wheel. 

GirlsRace2: Who do you look up to/admire in racing?

Miranda: Oh I admire SO many in racing!!! I've worked closely with Pippa Mann at The Glass Hammer Experience; she's taught me so much! I also admire Charlie Kimble; like Charlie I am a Type 1 Diabetic. Knowing that he's not allowing T1D to control him and stop him from his dream is an inspiration.  

GirlsRace2: What challenges in your racing career have you faced?

Miranda: I'm challenged in racing, first off I'm a girl in a primarily guy sport. Most of the guys I'm competitive with have many more years of experience than I do. One way of overcoming both of those issues is to develop a friendship. We talk in the pits, give pointers, and push each other to get better. 

To learn more about Miranda Gallagher follow her on Twitter @MirandaRacer11 or her Facebook Page