Jul 24, 2013

Driver Spotlight: Brittany Loy

Brittany Loy

Brittany Loy has been racing karts for four years. She got her interest in racing from watching her cousin race late models and open wheel modifieds.
Brittany has had both highlights and challenges in her racing career. Her proudest moment is when she completed a 100 lap race. The biggest obstacle that she has faced so far is being involved in a few bad wrecks. She didn’t let that stop her from competing in a sport she loves. According to Brittany, “I realized that I loved racing and would do anything it took to continue in it.”

This season Brittany hopes to win a $500 money race. As for her future she hopes to see herself moving up to mini sprint cars, full sprints or late models.

To learn more about Brittany Loy please follow her on Twitter or Facebook.

Twitter: @brittloy4
Facebook: Brittany Loy