A Chance To Be One Of The Sportkids Of The Month
My father in-law handed me a small little piece of paper he ripped out of a magazine. He asked me to submit Ashlee as one of the "Faces in the Crowd." I went online, filled out a quick entry and didn't think much of it.
Maybe a month later I received an email stating that Ashlee was being considered to be one of the Sportskids featured in their magazine. I gave them all the information they were looking for and a picture. Luckily they emailed back and said she would be featured in the July magazine. She was so excited! Her first words were, "We get that magazine in my class at school!" Thank you Grandpa for having such a great idea and thank you SI Kids for making my daughter feel special!!
If you know of an athlete you would like to nominate here is the link: http://www.sikids.com/sportskid