Jul 1, 2013

Sprint Car Girls

Sprint Car Girls

The Sprint Car Girls concept was established to help a group of ladies promote themselves and their racing to a broader range of audience, as well as attract potential sponsorship opportunities for their individual programs.
The intent of the group is focus on several drivers from a given region or class. They have members spread all across the country, including eight states and Canada! There is a mix of 305, 358, 360 and 410 drivers throughout the group, as well as an up and coming 600cc mini sprint driver. Many of the ladies run multiple divisions, with some even taking the wings off on occasion.
Their members include Lexi Adgate, Ashley Cappetta, Ashley Lewellen, Sarena Paul, Alysha Ruggles, Miranda Throckmorton, Brittany Tresch, Jordan Weaver, April Wilson and Tiffany Wyzard, representing Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, New York, and Washington, as well as the Canadian province of Ontario.

Please show your support by visiting their website www.SprintCarGirls.webs.com, “like” their Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/SprintCarGirls, or Twitter: @sprint_girls, Instagram: @sprintcargirls