Jan 18, 2014

Driver Spotlight: Alexis Hamilton

Alexis Hamilton

Alexis Hamilton is 5 years old. From a very young age Alexis’ parents could see that she had a need for speed. According to her mother, “Alexis loves to race and being in control. At the age of 2 years old when she got her first electric four wheeler it could never go fast enough.  We knew at that time she was a “Motor Head”.” Her parents looked forward to the day she’d be old enough to start racing. This past spring she finally turned 5 and was finally old enough to participate in kart racing. Her parents purchased her first kid kart from a friend and by the time summer came she finally got her turn to compete on the track.

Alexis’ parents were very proud of her when she went out on the track for her first race and even though she was scared to death of the other kids racing. She came in the top 3 for kid karts and was the only girl racing on the track. She accomplished this with both her parents and other family members cheering her on.

This first season she faced many challenges such as trying to keep the speed consistent in her kart, learning how to pick the correct lines, when to pass, and keeping up with the competitive kids that have been racing for a couple of years.

Her parents are very proud of her an all that she accomplished this year. Her mother said, “She never gave up even though she did not come in first place at any of her races.  This being her first year was more of a learning curve for her. She had a lot of encouragement from people at the track as well as gave her some tips during her races.  She especially looked up to the other female races that were older than her. “

Her goal for next season is to continue to get more comfortable with her kart, becoming more competitive, and having fun. Her parents are also planning to give her kart a new appearance for next race season so it fits more of her personality.