May 21, 2013

Martinsville Grand Prix 2013

Martinsville Grand Prix 2013

We traveled down to a street race in Martinsville, IN. Street races are events that my husband always enjoyed racing when he was younger. He wants Ashlee to experience them as well. This was the first one of the season for us. It was a blast. Martinsville is a nice town with the "Small Town USA" feel. The people were very nice and there was a large crowd watching the race.

We were on our first long trip in our motor home. This was another thing the kids were really looking forward to. The trip down was smooth and Jim is feeling more comfortable driving the motor home. The day we got down there we pretty much got set up and explored the town.

We were a little nervous on Saturday because there was a chance of rain and there were a few small showers in the morning. Unfortunately things got started much later than planned. The good thing was that the weather cooperated for us. Ashlee's practices went well. She really seemed to pick up on how to drive the track. In her heat race she lead the whole time and picked up the win.

On race day we got a practice in about half way through the day. Ashlee did well, however she got a little acquainted with a barrier. She powered through and got right back on the track. The feature race started later in the day. She did really well and won the race. She consistently improved on her times throughout the day which was a victory for her as well.

We saw some people we had met last year when we were down in Indy for a SIRA racing event. We also met some really nice and helpful people. Jim Howe and his team were great. They were so welcoming and gracious with Ashlee and Aubree. My girls really liked Cokie and Emma Gaich. Emma and Cokie are in their first year of racing. They were so great with the young girls. They were wonderful role models for them. Miranda Gallagher, who races Junior Supercan, and her mother Trish Simpson were very supportive as well.

The spectators really seemed to cheer Ashlee on. She definitely attracted a lot of attention. This was a very new and different thing for her. She's not used to fans coming up to her and talking to her. She improved on handling attention and being gracious throughout our time there as well.

Overall it was a very fun experience!